We are ThreePost.
And (with you) we are artists —
in storytelling, video
and 3D motion graphics.
We're not just another production company. What we are, is a passionate team of people who takes you along the path you want to take. We're a lot like Sherpas, probably, if you dare to think about it that way. Sherpas who partner with you to make sure you make the climb you want to, on the precise path you're looking to take. And then we make that path exceptionally beautiful and radically engaging—all along the way.
Maybe you know where you want to start this path, maybe you don't. And please don't say you're past that point of climbing—that you've reached the summit already. You haven't.
Name a company that doesn't climb, and we'll name a company that's stopped working.
So the question is, where will your path begin, and where can we take you? And the answer…lies in a partnership and collaboration that is strictly individual, tailored to your company or client's needs, and the fact that even we don't know your destination. Yet. Until we work with you. And pick your brain. And take what you know and add it to what we know to create masterful, targeted, audience-specific Art, which is what we do best. And all of a sudden, together, we are “there.” You've arrived. And we've done our job.
700 West Jones St
Raleigh, NC 27603
Tel: 919-215-6019
Employment inquiries jobs@threepost.com
Business inquiries new@threepost.com
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